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Cortex Ecosystem

Advanced Control

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    Cloud Remote O&M

    Constantly upgrade the control strategy through OTA.

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    Guarantee System Security

    24/7 real-time monitoring critical parts to prevent risks in advance.

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    Improve Economic Return

    Based on load forecasting and electrical market to maximum the return.


  • PowerView
  • Supervisor
  • Analyzer
  • Bidder
  • PowerView

    Client software that allows for real-time viewing of the operating status and parameters, economic benefits, product information, and historical data of energy storage system.

  • Supervisor

    Client software that allows for real-time viewing of the operating status and parameters, economic benefits, product information, and historical data of energy storage system.

  • Analyzer

    Client software that allows for real-time viewing of the operating status and parameters, economic benefits, product information, and historical data of energy storage system.

  • Bidder

    Virtual power plant software that aggregates resources such as energy storage, charging stations, photovoltaics, and controllable loads, participates in power market trading, and improves asset investment.



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    Time of Use

    Reduce costs by leveraging the price difference between peak and off-peak tariffs.

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    Peak Shaving

    Control the maximum load power and reduce the demand charges.

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    Capacity Expansion

    Increase electrical generation capacity without changing the transformer.

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    Use more energy from renewable sources and minimise feed-in.

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    Create a small utility grid with or without a connection to a public utility grid.

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    Market Participation

    Provide energy support to the grid in response to system operator alerts.